Yes! F--- it! That's your answer! That's your answer for everything!

Take ‘Er Easy Thursday: Days n Daze

Yes, I know. It’s been a while since my last Take ‘Er Easy Thursday post. Let’s not dwell on the past. Instead, let’s focus on this moment, which is another celebration of the ethos of The Dude. Now, I should say that this is a little different than some of the other songs we’ve featured for Take ‘er Easy Thursday. However, the title of this song is not only something The Dude says in the movie, but also something that The Big Lebowski recommended that The Dude tattoo on his forehead.

Certainly, The Dude is not the first guy to utter the words. But let’s face it. There is a lot of power in those two little words. Days n Daze realizes the power and the freedom in those words. Just check out the lyrics of the chorus.

Life’s a game

Life’s a joke

Fuck it! Why not go for broke?

Trade in all your chips and learn how to be free.

Why abstain? Why jump in line?

We’re all living on borrowed time.

Do what you like…

If that’s not Dudelike, I really don’t have any idea what is. The Dude certainly traded in his chips and learned how to be free to drive around, have the occasional acid flashback. Plus, we all know that The Dude doesn’t abstain: from drinking, recreational drug use, coitus, or telling off rich guys in their own homes. Think about it. When The Dude says “Fuck it!” it’s the ultimate battle cry of freedom. At that point, all The Big Lebowski can do is lecture him as The Dude walks out of the room. That right there is the power of those two little words. Well, I guess that wraps ‘er up. I’ll catch you later on down the trail. Until next time, you take ‘er easy. I know you will.

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